Sunday, May 31, 2020
The struggle to end segragated facilities started on Dec 1 1955-Rosa Parks - 1375 Words
The struggle to end segragated facilities started on Dec 1 1955-Rosa Parks (Coursework Sample) Content: The Struggle to End Segregated Facilities Author Name Institution Rosa Park and Struggle for Segregation Women have played a great role in the American society. Not only in America, but also in other parts of the world have women been pivotal in campaigning for social reforms. In America, Rosa Park is one of the women who contributed to what USA is today (Gross, 1990). Rosa was born in February 1913 in Alabama. She was married to Raymond Parks. In her education, she attained a high school diploma. Rosa and her husband were active members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Her background championed her strong sense of being proud of her race (The Henry Ford, 2002). Rosa Park is referred by the name à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"mother of the civil rights movement' (The Henry Ford, 2002). The reference is made because she was arrested for refusing to give her seat to a white. This led to Montgomery bus boycott. This happened on the afternoon of 01 December 1955. On this day she was tired and was going home. The bus driver ordered her to go at the back seat so that a white man could sit. Those times, the front seats of the buses were reserved for the whites. It was known as the à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"Colored Section' (The Henry Ford, 2002). It was this day that the blacks got a lead in their search for long awaited freedom and equality. When the bus was full, Rosa and three other Black Native Americans were ordered by the driver to go back of the bus. The other three complied, but Rosa did not. She was arrested for going against the segregation law known as Jim Crow laws (The Henry Ford, 2002). Rosa was fined ten dollars. The arrest of Rosa led to a 381 days boycott of the Montgomery bus. She incited the movement by just sitting down. It is famously said that she stood for the rights of blacks by sitting down. Under the Jim's law, it was easy to differentiate people in racial lines. However, the same laws were difficult to be maintained in the transportation industry. This is because companies could not afford to buy separate cars for blacks and whites. It meant that blacks and whites had to sit together. Transportation became one of the critical areas in racial segregation in the South. The events that followed the arrest of Rosa Park are what have made America be what it is today. The boycott was led by a prominent youthful minister called Martin Luther King Jr. The boycott led to a chain of reactions in the South region. King with his colleague had formed an organization called the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) (The Henry Ford, 2002). The organization was composed of local activists and ministers. The organization conducted nonviolent protests that addressed civil rights to all. It attained ninety nine percent support of African Americans not to ride buses. The boycott almost led to the collapse of the bus company since 75% of the passengers were the African Americans. Henry David was also a great inspiration for the leaders in the Civil Rights Movement. He advocated for resistance towards social injustices. Martin Luther and Ralph Abernathy led the Montgomery buses boycott that was violence free. Their demands were advocating social justice. They demanded equal treatment of passengers in the public transport. The order of sitting would be determined by first-come-first-serve basis (The Henry Ford, 2002). During the boycott, the schools, churches and homes of the blacks were attacked. The threats did not relinquish the quest for reforms. The boycott led by an inspired Martin Luther king was relentless. The massive boycott in 1956 led to the Supreme Court banning the system of race segregation in the public transport. Racism in buses was declared unconstitutional. It was a massive step in fighting racism in America. The blacks could sit anywhere in th...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Cold War During World War II - 1795 Words
The cold war was a tension between political and military forces.The war was after World War II.There were very many different events that went on and most of them involving communism and government problems.Communism is where everything is shared and owned by the government and this had problems because people living in the communist government didnââ¬â¢t want to share everything so the people began to rebel against communism which led to many different things which we call the cold war. After obtaining Fidel Castro s approval, the Soviet Union worked quickly and secretly to build missile installations in Cuba. On October 16, President John Kennedy was shown reconnaissance photographs of Soviet missile installations under construction inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦On October 26, Khrushchev sent Kennedy a long rambling letter seemingly proposing that the missile installations would be dismantled and personnel removed in exchange for United States assurances that it or its proxies would not invade Cuba. On October 27, another letter to Kennedy arrived from Khrushchev, suggesting that missile installations in Cuba would be dismantled if the United States dismantled its missile installations in Turkey. The American administration decided to ignore this second letter and to accept the offer outlined in the letter of October 26. Khrushchev then announced on October 28 that he would dismantle the installations and return them to the Soviet Union, expressing his trust tha t the United States would not invade Cuba. Further negotiations were held to implement the October 28 agreement, including a United States demand that Soviet light bombers also be removed from Cuba, and to specify the exact form and conditions of United States assurances not to invade Cuba.According to Nikita Khrushchev s memoirs, in May 1962 he conceived the idea of placing intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Cuba as a means of countering an emerging lead of the United States in developing and deploying strategic missiles. He also presented the scheme as a means of protecting Cuba from another United States-sponsored invasion, such as the failed attempt at the Bay of Pigs in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Extent of American Unity and Identity
The Extent of American Unity and Identity Since early colonization the English colonies had always felt closer to England than to each other. In fact, it took a British newspaper less time to reach Savannah than a letter from Massachusetts. However, after the French and Indian War a sense of unity began to permeate through the colonies as a result of British acts. For every British action there was an American reaction, which fed the spirit of a new identity as Americans, not English colonists. The American identity was being established in the years before the revolution, but it was not the majority as some colonists stayed loyal to the King. Events such as the Albany Plan, Boston Tea Party andâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦During the first two years of the French and Indian War the colonies fought together on their own. They received little help from England and what help there was often failed because of the aging Navy and the unsuccessful attempt to recapture parts of the Ohio River by General Edward Braddock. When Ge neral William Pitt finally showed up to help, he began forcing men to enlist and taking colonists weapons and tools with no compensation. The Americans were not used to the British officers. Years of living without classes and ranks had given the Americans a unique attitude (Doc. H) This caused a lot of resentment toward the British. The war gave American colonists a common enemy and they began to resent a common government. After the war Britain had many problems. The French ceded a vast amount of land which almost doubled the British Empire. Britain was also in a recession and had a huge national debt. In order to counteract these problems Britain began a New Colonial Policy and instituted many Acts. The enforcement of these laws, which have for years been neglected, was frustrating for the colonies. The colonies began to resent the sudden revocation of their freedoms and soon would act against them in rebellion (Doc. F). The first of many acts was the Proclamation Line in 1763, prohibiting settlers from entering the land west of the Appalachian Mountains. This prevented settlersShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Had the Colonists Developed a Sense of Their Identity and Unity as Americans by the Eve of the Revolution?1474 Words à |à 6 PagesDBQ -- To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution? A single colony cannot depart from its mother country and lead a revolution; only a whole united nation, such as that of the American colonies, could successfully detach themselves from Mother England. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Model of Twitter Social Media
Question: Describe about the Business Model of Twitter for Social Media. Answer: Introduction The continuous evolution of the software services with the advent of technology in various segments of the human life have made the survival of the older companies challenging thus making evolution the necessity of life (Smith Fischer and Yongjian 2012). In order to understand the need of the revenue and the various impacts of advertising forces upon the social media sites, this paper aims to scrutinize the various aspects of charging the individual customers of twitter. In an effort to understand the impact, the pros and the cons have been presented and finally recommendations were provided. Charging individual users of twitter Twitter is a social media site which allows user to share and post small messages of 140 words which are named tweets. As per the services provided by the website the registered users can both post and access tweets but an unregistered user can only read them(Twitter Help Center, 2016). The multi-sided users are those users who act as the mediator among two sides thus benefitting from both the sides. The micro blogging site has more than 200 million users who are active in a month and share more than double the tweets per day, thus making Twitter extremely lucrative to the advertisement of the business.But the recent trends of the market have been disappointing for the company as the market share of the organization has been trading below the IPO(, 2016). According to the report in Forbes (2016), the website is neither easy to use nor is user friendly but the usage of the site by the affluent class of the society has made is hold the gates of the company, which is closing f ast. So twitter can be seen more as a PR site rather than which allows people to share and be heard. According to a report in Techcrunch (2009), the company was about to charge other companies for accessing elite services that will be carved out for them, but was eventually cancelled. There are various advantages and disadvantages of charging the users who use the website which will be discussed in the later section. Advantages of charging individual users There are various advantages of charging the services of social media site which ranges from better user base to safety of the child, etc. which have been presented below (Bolton et al. 2013). Quality of services Since the user of the websites provide the necessary monetary help for the upkeep and the maintenance of the website, the quality of the services are better compared to the free websites where the users have little say in the various matters(Silverthorne, 2016). Ad Free websites The revenue of the websites are generated from the advertisements that are done on the website by a thorough understanding of the users, which is often very annoying, paying money for the websites will help eliminate such advertisements. User data will not be scrutinised As there wont be any interest of the website to generate revenue through advertisement, the data mining will not be used for understanding the user behaviour and pattern (Russell 2013). More responsible users Since the services are paid only the serious users, who are interested in website will pay, thus creating a more responsible user base for the website, thus reducing the potential misuse by people and child (Fuchs 2013). Disadvantages of charging individual users There are various disadvantages of charging the services of the social media site which will not only hamper the number of user but will also create more addicted user base for the website. Reduced amount of user Although the user base of the paid services are more stable compared to the free ones, the amount of user for the free services is always larger compared to the paid ones, thus reducing the consumer base (Stephen and Galak 2012). Information can still be traded for money Although the paid services suffice all the financial needs of the website, still the data available on the website could be traded to useful information. Paid users are more serious The paid users of the websites are more serious about the website and tend to be more possessive thus creating more addiction that might be extremely harmful (Tuten and Solomon 2014). Recommendations It is highly recommended that the social media website should charge its user for using the services of the website. This will not only reduce the dependency of the website on the advertisers and will allow the website to focus on the services that are to be provided to the consumers. Also the lesser extent of data mining will also ensure that the privacy of the user is well maintained and is not compromised to suit the need of the advertisers. The paid services will attract only the responsible user into the site discouraging the minor out of these websites thus reducing various risks like virtual identity suicide, psychological effects of the websites, online bullying, trolling. Paying for using the services of Twitter will allow in creation of a close group which is more responsible for the actions and hence will help in reduction of social media malice which is now common to the present generation. Conclusion In the previous segments the various aspects of the paid twitter services have been discussed thus creating an opportunity to evaluate the impact of charging the services of the social media site.For understanding the impact on the various aspect of the society the advantages of charging the services and disadvantages of charging the services have been presented in detail. Finally the recommendations have been given for charging the services for Twitter have been suggested to ensure the various malice related to the free social media services could be contained. References Bolton, R.N., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T., Komarova Loureiro, Y. and Solnet, D., 2013. Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda.Journal of Service Management,24(3), pp.245-267. (2016). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016]. Fuchs, C., 2013.Social media: A critical introduction. Sage. Russell, M.A., 2013.Mining the Social Web: Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub, and More. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.". Silverthorne, S. (2016). New Research Explores Multi-Sided Markets. [online] HBS Working Knowledge. Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016]. Smith, A.N., Fischer, E. and Yongjian, C., 2012. How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter?.Journal of Interactive Marketing,26(2), pp.102-113. Stephen, A.T. and Galak, J., 2012. The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace.Journal of Marketing Research,49(5), pp.624-639. Tuten, T.L. and Solomon, M.R., 2014.Social media marketing. Sage. Twitter Help Center. (2016). Getting started with Twitter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016]. Wauters, R. (2016). Twitter To Start Charging Companies For Having AnAccount?. [online] TechCrunch. Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov. 2016].
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